Eure lustigsten Sprachfettnäpfchen…

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Eure lustigsten Sprachfettnäpfchen…

Im letzten Schuljahr hatten wir im großen Schulplaner-Gewinnspiel 2008 – 2009 zur Einsendung Eurer lustigsten Sprachfettnäpfchen aufgerufen.

Über Eure Einsendungen haben wir hier im LAL-Team während der letzten Monate viel gelacht :o) Die besten Bilden wir, wie versprochen, hier jetzt ab.

Jedem, der unten erscheint, wurde der Gewinnspielpreis, eine Reiseversion des Sprachenspieles New Amici, bereits zugesendet!

Allen anderen wünschen wir hier jetzt ebenfalls viel Spaß beim Lesen & Mitlachen… *g*


Von Angela:
Pupil: „My english makes me no one after!“
Host-mother: „You’re heavy on wire!“

Von Johannes:
Boss: „Are you working hardly?“
Employee: „Yes, of course!“

Von Santana:
Written on a signboard at a norwegian bar:
„Ladies are requested not to have children in the bar!“

Von Lena:
Gallerist: „Do you like Toulouse-Lautrec?“
Rich Lady: „I don’t like to loose anything.“

Von Jeniffer:
Carl: „I need a gift for moths.“
Shopowner: „I advise you a laca lamp.“

Von Liya:
„You can say you to me.“

Von Lukas:
Hungry guest in a restaurant: „I will a steak.“

Von Hanna:
Murder 1: „Ok, we’ll kill him with a gift?“
Murder 2: „Really? I didn’t know it is his birthday tomorrow…“

Von Angelina:
Angelina: „I will a new DVD.“
A friend: „Haha. Can’t understand you!“

Von Miriam:
German pupil: „What’s your older?“
English pupil: „Hahahaha…..“

Von Tim:
Two friends looking at a girls hair:
German pupil: „Look at her horse-tail!“
Englisch pupil: „It’s a pony-tail…!“

Von Frederike:
„I’m an eagle!“
(Gemeint war der Igel)

Von Hellen:
Dad: „I drive us!“
Son: „OK.“

Von Jolien:
Camarero: „¿Que tomas?“
„Un cola, por favor.“
Kellner bringt einen Pferdeschwanz.

Von Leonie:
Guest to the waiter: „When will I become my streak?“
Waiter: „I hope never!“

Von Markus:
„How are you?“
„I’m heavy on wire!“

Von Silke:
Person 1: „I was in Austria for a year. Now I speak English very well!“
Person 2: „You were in Australia, weren’t you?“

Von Mike:
„Who ist he car?“

Von Max:
„Hey! It’s long her isn’t it?“
„Well, I guess my hair isn’t that long….“

Von Anna-Lena:
A girl is a little bit ill and said to her friend:
„Yesterday it went me better…“

Von Julia:
German tourist: „Could we eat „Mais“ for lunch?“
Restaurant chef: „Mice? Oh no!“

Von Katja:
Pupil: „I can’t sueeze me right.“
Teacher: „Aah… you can’t express yourself right.“

Von Laura:
Tourist: „Hallo, please execute me, where is his street?“
Passer-by: „Sorry, what shall I do?“

Von Laura:
German boy: „You can find additional information on the backside!“
English teacher: „Okay, turn around, so I can get more information!“

Von Thi-Tu-Oanh:
Student: „I drive by bus to school.“
Busdriver: „Good idea! I’ll need a short break!“

Von Caprice:
Child: „When I grow up I want to get a lawyer.“

Girl sitting in front of the TV: „I want to nibble some Chips.“

Von Christina:
„Let’s go on a ride at Brighton Pier.“
„Aren’t the horses scared that they might fall in the water?“

Von Narges:
Host-sister: „It’s Avril’s birthday tomorrow. She didn’t invite me to her party… Shall I give her a gift anyway?! What do you think?“
Exchange student: „Oh my God! You want to kill her?! I mean, she’s your friend… There are millions of other ways you can show her that you’re upset!“

Von Trang:
An author: „I have a lot of fantasy.“
A businessman: „I am a succesful undertaker.“

Von Fiona:
Employee: „I have just received a dismissal with immediate effect but I dont even know the cause of my cancelation. I want to talk to the chef!“
Secretary: „Why do you want to talk to the chef then? Or ist he food in the cantine unenjoyable?“

Von Raphael:
Somebady having trubble with his/her mobile phone: „The Handy doesn’t go.“

Somebody to a girl: „You have a nice Rock.“

Von Irina:
„What are you doing’“
„I’m just cooking.“ (Ich guck nur.)

Von Franziska:
Passer-by 1: „So you are a jobless entertainer? I’m gonna introduce you to a friend of mine. He is an undertaker. I’m sure, he will look after you. Don’t worry!“
Passer-by 2: „I’m desperate but I don’t want to be buried!“

Von Katrina:
Customer in a fashion shop: „I need a rock.“

Guest in a restaurant: „I will a coke.“

Von Isabel:
In einer Bäckerei:
„Je voudrais un baiser.“
„Vous voulez quoi? Vous voulez un meringue, je pense.“

Von Mathias:
„Oh, I’m really exhausted!“
„I can see that… You look like you have hardly worked!“

Von Lea:
Tourist: „Help! Help! A photograph is fallen into the lake!“
Englishman: „So, why don’t you take a new one?“

Von Ina:
Student: „Sorry, I got late.“
Class: „You got laid??“

Von Verena:
A song is playing: „…all the leaves are brown…“
A boy: „Was ist mit Anneliese Braun?“

Von Lara:
„Do you want to drink something?“
„Oh yes, you running into open doors.“

Von Martin:
„Welcom in Britain, Mr Timbert!“
„Hello! Thank you! But you can say „you“ to me!“

Von Tim:
„Help me! I’m sinking, I’m sinking!!“
SOS-Team: „Hm? What are you thinking about?“

Von Maria:
Boy to a girl he likes: „Why do I always have to bet he bad man?“
Girl imagines him as Batman: „But you don’t do!?!“

Von Julian:
Hostfamiliy-member: „Don’t drink it, it’s a gift!“
German pupil: „Gift!?!“

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